Rules & Regulations...

● Accommodation is available from 3pm on the day of your booking.
● Check out by 11 am on the day of departure.
● Fishing is available from 3pm on the day of arrival.
● Fishing is available until 11am on the day of departure.
● Prices include Fishing, Chalet accommodation, Electricity and use of the BBQ Area (unless otherwise stated).
● To fish, you must hold a fishing permit and abide by the Angling rules for these lakes.
● No responsibility accepted for loss of or damage of any articles or valuables.
● No responsibility accepted for any injury however sustained.
● Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
● Children under 16 years are NOT allowed to fish the Spring pool
● Children under 16 years are NOT allowed to night fish
● Bed Lined is supplied, however, please bring your own towels.
● No additional guests or visitors
All litter to be removed from the venue, do not leave bait on banks, or cigarette ends by swims
You must abide by Environment Agency regulations.
All anglers must be in possession of a valid rod licence.
We are a catch and release fishery. No fish to be taken away under any circumstance
Do not leave equipment at a swim when you are not fishing
No fish to be moved between lakes without the consent of water owners.
Micro barbed or barbless hooks only
A maximum of 2 rods may be fished at one time.
Fishing a line not connected to a rod is prohibited.
No baited rod to be left unattended at any time
Do not fish further than the middle of the water if the opposite swim is occupied
No wading
Fishing only from designated areas and a maximum of 48hours at the same swim.
No live or dead baits. To prevent cross contamination of fish stocks and or wildlife.
No baited rod to be left unattended at any time (as per EA Rules).
Anglers are not allowed to fish further than the middle of the water.
No fixed leads
No bolt rigs
All anglers must use minimum of 42” landing net
All anglers must use suitable unhooking mats minimum 2ft x 4ft.
Anglers using Spring pool and Beach pool must use unhooking cradles and slings to protect the fish.
Fish are to be lifted a maximum of 8 inches off the ground for photos and must be replaced back into the water promptly.
Mistreatment to the fish will not be tolerated, if found guilty membership will be terminated.
Bait must not be left on banks, and please keep your bait covered. There are free roaming goats.
No bait boats
Toilets are provided on site by the carpark, therefore if members choose not to use these facility’s and excrement on site, they will have their membership revoked and a lifetime ban.
Please approach the waters by authorized footpaths only.
No persons, other than members, on site accommodation guests, water owners and their authorised guests, are permitted to fish springwood waters.
No fruit, flowers or mushrooms to be picked without owners’ consent.
Dogs allowed as long as they are kept on leads, under control and are picked up after.
No open fires or barbeques. Shielded stoves must be used with care to avoid fire risk.
No camping allowed. Night fishing (Beach Pool and Spring Pool ONLY) in proper fishing shelters only. Members are required to apply for night fishing permits.
Keep noise to a minimum, this includes alarms, radios etc.
Torches to be used sensibly at dawn and dusk, to not cause a nuisance to residents.
No angler may use boats of any description or any inflatable device for any purpose.
No walking along the jetty to the island.
There is no closed season, however water owner has the right to close for maintenance, repairs, government guidelines, disease outbreak etc.
Parking is strictly in the designated parking areas. No driving or parking on the grass.
Please abide by the 5mph speed limit
Cars are parked at all venues, at the owner’s risk. Members are required to display their parking permits at all times while on site.
Gates to the fishery must be kept shut and locked at all times.
No trespassing into the adjoining fields or woodland.
The management accepts no responsibility for injury, death, loss, damage or theft to persons, cars or equipment whilst on the complex and reserves the right to close all or parts of said complex at any time. Damage to the complex will result in prosecution.
Alcohol in moderation
Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated. This includes the use of any illegal substances; if found in your possession this will be treated as a legal matter and the police will be contacted
Abuse: Abuse to other guests, springwood syndicate members, water owners (or their representatives) or bailiffs will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If reported and proved the person in question and fellow guests will expect to have their booking terminated with immediate effect, with no reimbursement.
General Rules
All general rules must be adhered to as well as rules listed below when night fishing.
Night fishing ONLY on Beach Pool and Spring Pool.
As in the general rule’s fires are not allowed with the exception of gas cooking stoves.
No radios, stereos, phones, tablets or TVs to be used without personal earphones.
All litter to be removed when vacating your swim.
Use of proper fishing shelters, umbrellas or bivvies
Bivvies must not be pitched over footpaths or blocking access to other fishing pegs.
Please approach waters by authorized footpaths only
Noise must be kept to a minimum. Please adjust sounder volume so as not to cause undue annoyance to persons nearby.
Only appropriate angling shelters Bivvies to be used! Strictly NO TENTS!
Do not defecate on the banksides, paths or surrounding areas. Use the toilets provided.
Torches to be used sensibly at dawn and dusk, to not cause a nuisance to residents.
When angling at night you should employ adequate electric bite alarms.
Night Fishing Rules
The above rules are there to protect the welfare of our Anglers and our Fish Stocks, repeated failure to comply with our rules will result in ejection from our Fishery.
Thank you for your cooperation.